
A businessman was recently involved in a business meeting that went sour and threatened to scuttle a good deal. What happened was that the Chinese party receiving the American purchaser was late in reaching his hotel. The American was furious as he had a tight schedule and that they were late and threatened to quite his purchase.
The Chinese party was late because they were given a vague address of a lake-side hotel. People can judge that what happened was that the American gave his hotel as Lakeside hotel. Unfortunately, there were numerous hotels along the lake but the Chinese were too shy to enquire which lakeside hotel earlier because they were afraid the American would 'lose face' for having given a vague address. Instead, they spent the morning hopping from one lakeside hotel to another looking for this American gentleman."
In many business occasion, Chinese people are too shine too ask .The reasons which account for this is that Chinese people pay more attention to face value. They are afraid of asking people means they are lack of ability. The Australian way communicating is quite forth coming and direct, and perhaps even a little brusque in contrast to their South Asian neighbors. Don’t ever mistake this sort of approach for rudeness, as Australians are renowned straight talkers, yet relaxed and informal with it. They don’t generally partake in idle chitchat, especially in business dealings, and usually there is no double or hidden meaning in what they say, as trust is considered a virtue.