
玩游戏和玩游戏的欲望是所有孩子的天性,无论他们的家庭多么富有或贫穷,或者他们能独立地行动,听,说,看。这是由Wilson[1]支持的;“所有的孩子和年轻人都需要玩耍。玩的冲动是天生的。玩耍是一种生理、心理和社会的需要,对个人和社区的健康发展和福祉至关重要。玩耍的时间是宝贵的,对所有的年龄,不仅仅是孩子,因为那些记忆是难忘的。如果你问任何一个成年人他们童年时最喜欢的游戏记忆,他们不仅会记得他们做过什么,还会记得他们的感受[1]。好吧,每个孩子都有权利去玩耍和感受平等。此外,大卫·劳埃德·乔治(David Lloyd George)[1]对此表示支持;“玩的权利是对社区的第一个要求”。玩耍是一种对生活的训练。没有任何一个社区能够在不伤害其公民的思想和身体的情况下侵犯这一权利。我们认为以上信息对于我们的设计项目是有价值的,因为它突出了一些重要的要点;1)操场的结构应该足够有趣,可以在孩子们的记忆中写生。2)对于残疾儿童来说,操场不应该是特别的,所有的孩子都可以进入,因为这可能会影响他们的心理状态,因为他们感觉自己是独一无二的,并且会受到他人的歧视。
The desire to play and enjoy games is a natural desire in all children no matter how rich or poor their families are or how much they can move independently, hear, talk or see. This is supported by Wilson [1]; "All children and young people need to play. The impulse to play is innate. Play is a biological and psychological and social necessity, and is fundamental to the healthy development and well being of individuals and communities." Playing times are precious and valuable for all ages not only children, as those memories are unforgettable. If you ask any adult about a favorite play memory from their childhood, they will not only remember what they did but they will also remember how they felt [1]. Well, it is every child's right to play and feel the equality. Moreover, David Lloyd George [1] supported this by saying; "The right to play is a child’s first claim on the community. Play is nature’s training for life. No community can infringe that right without doing enduring harm to the minds and bodies of its citizens." We believe that the above information is valuable for our design project as it highlights some important points; 1) the structure of the playground should be interesting enough and enjoyable to be sketched in those children's memories. 2) The playground should not be special for disabled children only but accessible for all children, as this might affect their psychological status by feeling unique and discriminated from others.