
最重要的是在R V布朗[ 6 ]是承认法院处理人性的变幻莫测,不只是在人的行为方面,但在很多权威的那些行动揭示反应,正确或错误,伴随着先入为主的观念和偏见。在最初的试验,据报道[ 7 ],苏格兰场的淫秽出版物小组的头,挪威警长米迦勒项圈,认为色情越来越离奇,更多的暴力和更广泛,并宣布将最终导致死亡被拍。有趣的是,正是偏见,导致警察在操作,他们充分预计围绕残暴杀戮在同性恋社区的开支£400万传闻。 R V布朗案实际上涉及的一些人,在总的隐私权,是公众参与施虐受虐狂行为,造成身体伤害的相互对彼此的映像结果。在1987的情况后,警方在曼彻斯特的注意后,其中一个视频进入他们拥有通过邮政,最初被认为涉及谋杀同性恋社区。经调查,当现实发生,这被认为是公共利益的探讨。
Foremost in R v Brown[6] is the acknowledgement that the courts were dealing with the vagaries of human nature, not simply in terms of the actions of the appellants, but in the reaction of many of those in authority to those actions revealing, rightly or wrongly, accompanying pre-conceived ideas and prejudices. At the end of the initial trial it was reported[7] that the head of Scotland Yard’s Obscene Publications Squad, Det Supt Michael Hames, considered that pornography was becoming more bizarre, more violent and more widespread, and announced that it would eventually lead to a death being filmed. Interestingly, it was this very preconception that resulted in the police spending a rumoured £4 million in an operation which they fully expected to revolve around sadistic killings in the gay community.
The case of R v Brown actually involved a number of men, in total privacy, being consensually involved in acts of sado-masochism, mutually inflicting physical harm on each other and videoing the results. The situation came to the attention of the police in Manchester during 1987 after one of the videos came into their possession through the post, initially thought to involve murder amongst the gay community. Following investigation, when the reality transpired, it was considered to be in the public’s interest to investigate further.
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